Mission & Vision
Greensand Multi Academy Trust’s Mission statement:
To enrich the lives of every child in our Trust by providing inspiring and transformational learning, cultural and life experiences. We harness the collective power of the schools that make up Greensand Multi Academy Trust through maximising the opportunities for collaboration and supporting the work and progress of others. We challenge ourselves to always be even better tomorrow than we are today, always striving to provide an excellent education and helping every child to step into their greatness.
Our Vision is to:
Help Children Step into their Greatness |
Help Staff Step into their Greatness through Collaboration, Support and Challenge |
Grow Great Schools that are even Better Tomorrow than they are Today |
Every child, regardless of starting point or background, makes excellent academic progress and achieves outcomes that enable them to thrive in the next stage of their life |
To be the employer of choice; recruiting and retaining the very best staff that share in the Greensand vision and aspirations for children |
For our schools to be places where the Greensand community want to be, feel proud to be a part of and are inspired |
Every child has the confidence to engage in a lifelong development of pursuits that they love |
Every member of staff is motivated to improve and engages in highly effective training, support and development |
To have world class educational facilities and resources that are inspirationally designed, immaculately maintained and at the forefront of educational development |