Thinking about curriculum intent
This week, we turn to the Curriculum strand of the Greensand PACE model. This week's offering is written by former RE teacher, author and speaker, Mary Myatt.
This week, we turn to the Curriculum strand of the Greensand PACE model. This week's offering is written by former RE teacher, author and speaker, Mary Myatt.
This week, we take a more general look at how implementing any new or continuing strategy in our classrooms is likely to impact higher prior attaining students with high levels of cultural capital and lower levels of disadvantage disproportionately more than those who fall at the opposite end of the scale.
This fortnight, we turn to the Expectations strand of the Greensand PACE framework. One expectation which teachers can facilitate for their students is the process of metacognition – students taking responsibility for understanding and managing and regulating their own learning strategies.
This week we take a second look at the Assessment principle from the Greensand PACE model.
We hope you all had a restful half term break. We are beginning to widen out the topics covered to ensure all aspects of the Greensand PACE model are included. This fortnight, we turn to the Assessment principle.
This week we return to the strand of the Science of Learning for from the PACE Framework
This week we continue to look at the Building Knowledge and Skills principle of the PACE model.
This week we take look at the last strand from the Greensand PACE model: Building Knowledge and Skills.
This week, we take a second look at the Building Relationships strand of the Greensand PACE model.
This week, we revisit the strand of the Greensand PACE model of Building Relationships.
This week we take a second look at the Science of Learning strand of the Greensand PACE model.
This week we return to the first strand of the Greensand PACE model, the Science of Learning.